Koach at Princeton
Who makes up Koach?
Koach comprises a diverse group of Jewish students with a broad range of backgrounds and beliefs. Some members have taken gap years, worked at or attended Jewish summer camps, and participated in activities like Jewish day schools, USY/BBYO/NCSY, or none of the above. Regardless of your background, you will find a welcoming community at Koach. The diversity within Koach fosters meaningful discourse and dialogue, with members spanning the entire religious and political spectrums. We are truly a community for everyone!
Does Koach have social programming?
Absolutely! Koach hosts a weekly coffee tab every Friday afternoon for four hours, providing a space for work, conversation, and relaxation, all while enjoying complimentary drinks at Princeton's student-run coffee shop.
Koach also organizes various programs each semester, often on Thursday or Saturday nights. Recent programs include a movie party in the Sukkah, Knitting with Koach, Cards and Cocoa with Koach, and Friday night onegs where members gather for fun conversations and board games.
Is Koach a part of Princeton’s Center for Jewish Life? Do I have to choose between being part of Koach and being part of other minyanim?
Koach operates as a student group within the CJL, and many members are involved in other CJL groups, including minyanim, as well as clubs like the Jewish a cappella group Koleinu or Challah for Hunger. Numerous members attend social and religious events of other minyanim, and Koach collaborates with other minyanim throughout the year.
What kinds of religious programming does Koach offer?
Koach hosts weekly services on Friday and Saturday nights for Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah. Kabbalat Shabbat regularly draws over 40 students and community members, with approximately half attending Havdalah. Additionally, Koach holds several Saturday morning services each semester and celebrates various holidays such as Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Purim, Rosh Chodesh, and more.
The High Holidays are a special time for Koach, with members sharing holiday meals in the CJL and participating in Koach services for Erev Rosh Hashanah, morning and evening services for both days of Rosh Hashanah, as well as Kol Nidre services and morning and evening Yom Kippur services. Koach also hosts Tashlich by Lake Carnegie.
Every Koach service is entirely student-led and organized. Many community members learn to lead or read a part of the services from our Gabbai or another enthusiastic Koach member, fostering a culture of shared learning.
During our Passover seder, students contribute teachings on the texts and share familial traditions with the community. Of course, we also engage in the traditional reading of the Exodus while playing with origami frogs and searching for the Afikomen!
I have some ideas to make Koach even more awesome. How can I get involved?
Koach's student-run board welcomes feedback and suggestions for future events and initiatives. The board includes a Programming Chair, a Social Chair, and an Education Chair, all focused on planning programs and events for the community. Feel free to contact any or all of them with your ideas!
Getting involved in Koach is straightforward. We encourage you to plan an event or oneg, sign up to lead or learn how to lead a part of services, or give a Dvar Torah on Friday night. Koach is entirely student-led, and we value your input and participation.
Koach exists for you, so please let us know how we can support you!
If I come to campus for a visit, how can I meet some people in Koach?
For a warm welcome and a chance to meet Koach members, please reach out to us through the Google Form under the Prospective Students heading. We'd love give you an informal tour around campus and/or have you join us for Shabbat services and dinner!